Free Genealogy Resources of Descendants of Robert Coleman Sr. from AD 1622
690. Robert Spilsbe Coleman
DB H, p. 311, Spotsylvania Co.
1526. Edward S. Coleman
WB 30, p. 338 Caroline Co. VA
Never married.
Madison B. Smith
Madison was the youngest brother of Guilelmus Smith, who married
Rebecca K. Coleman. Guilelmus was guardian of his brother
Madison until MadisonÕs marriage to Mary W. Coleman. There was
a bitter controversy between the brothers over MadisonOs
guardianship account. Madison took the insolvent debtors oath
on 27 Aug 1832 (Hopkins). MaryÕs father, Benjamin Coleman,
sided with his son-in-law against Guilelmus and his friend,
Robert Crutchfield. (Smith et als vs. Coleman et als. Caroline
Co. Records, VA State Library, Archives Division)
1533. Robert L. Coleman
Robert qualified as executor of brother JamesÕ will.
704. Robert L. Coleman
Robert and Sally lived in Amherst County, Virginia
Sarah ÒSallyÓ Coleman
There were probably other children of Robert and Sarah Coleman.
706. Lucy Coleman
Wilson and Lucy lived in Caroline and Orange Counties, Virginia.
Wilson Coleman
Wilson died intestate. On 28 Sep 1818, letters of
administration were granted on his estate to his brother Thomas
Coleman (WB 5, p. 277, Orange Co.) Brother James Colemand and
his wife Elizabeth conveyed property on 20 Feb 1825 to Thomas
Coleman as Administrator of WilsonÕs estate for the benefit of
WilsonÕs children. The names of his children appear in the
deed, and James named a brother. (DB 31, p. 134, Orange Co.) DB
27, p. 37, Orange Co., shows Wilson acquiring control of his
fatherÕs plantation ÒOrange SpringsÓ on 6 Aug 1816 from his
brothers and sisters and their spouses: Thomas Coleman,
Catherine Sale, James Coleman, and Elizabeth Grasty.
708. Eliza Ann Coleman
Eliza and John were both adopted by her uncle Reuben Coleman and his wife Lucy. After their marriage, Eliza and John moved to Scottsboro, Georgia when he was commissioned to build the new capitol building at nearby Milledgeville, Georgia. In 1818 Eliza and John moved to Cahaba, Dallas County, Alabama. In 1828, John moved his family to Lowndes County, Alabama where he became one of the founders of Montgomery, Alabama. John and Eliza are buried in their family graveyard on Pintlala Creek in Lowndes County.
1554. Elliot Scott
Robert Dawson Ware
About 1838, Robert moved his family to Montgomery, Alabama.
710. Elliot Coleman Major
ElliotÕs death date is from the Georgia Journal, Milledgeville,
GA 9 Feb 1814. He and Sophia both died young, leaving one
child, Eliza Elliot Coleman who was then raised by her Aunt
Eliza and Uncle John Scott. On 21 Nov 1829 in Savannah, GA,
Eliza married Joseph B. Greene of Columbus, GA.
1566. Eliza Elliot Coleman
Elliot and Sophia Coleman both died young, leaving one child,
Eliza Elliot Coleman who was raised by her Aunt Eliza and Uncle
John Scott. On 21 Nov 1829 in Savannah GA, Eliza married Joseph
B. Greene of Columbus GA.
1569. William Baptist Burwell , Jr. Coleman
Never married.
1572. John G. B. Coleman
Never married.