Coleman Descendants - Genealogy of 

Coleman & Related Pioneer Families



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Free Genealogy Resources of Descendants of Robert Coleman Sr. from AD 1622


Robert Daniel

*This link is not supported at present, other than by time and
place. I speculate that Elizabeth MAY have been the daughter of
Susannah and Robert because of the repetitive use of various
spellings of Fargeson as middle names in later generations.
[Jerry Pricher, December 1998]

291. Henry Coleman

WB A, p. 95

Henry and Mary Ann moved to Kentucky abt 1788. Henry was paid
for furnishing provisions to the Continental Army. (Minute Book
1774-82, p. 204, Spotsylvania Co. Records)

831. Sucky Coleman

In her fatherÕs will date 14 Nov 1807: ÒI have devised more
property to my daughter Sucky than any of my other children and
my reason for doing so is because she labors under a natural
Infirmity and is not nor will she be capable of providing for



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