Coleman Descendants - Genealogy of 

Coleman & Related Pioneer Families



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Free Genealogy Resources of Descendants of Robert Coleman Sr. from AD 1622


5990. Charles Roberts Pendleton

SSN 258-16-4293

5991. Catherine Sarah Pendleton

SSN 258-56-1462

Thomas Gordon Cranford Lt.

Assistant Military Attach�, Tokyo, Japan.

4636. Albert Sidney Pendleton

SSN 255-10-9805

Helen Brown Thomas

SSN 254-76-2509

4641. Philip Childs Pendleton

SSN 182-09-9130

Doris Glenn

SSN 188-36-9010

Alan Pendleton Major

Alan was a Major of Infanty, U. S. Army, and served with the A.
E. F. in World War I.

George Herbert Phillips

SSN 252-09-8326?

6002. George Herbert , Jr. Phillips

SSN 254-09-8466

6004. Edmund Pendleton Phillips

SSDI has 6 Oct 1915

SSN 252-09-4536

Samuel Coleman

Petsworth Parish

Lola Barnes

SSN 462-10-6952



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