Coleman Descendants - Genealogy of 

Coleman & Related Pioneer Families



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Free Genealogy Resources of Descendants of Robert Coleman Sr. from AD 1622


336. Mary Coleman

Never married.

108. Daniel Coleman

Daniel and his family lived in St. Margaret's Parish, Caroline County until 1745 when they moved to Goochland with his father and other family members. The land Daniel settled on was in that part of Goochland that became Cumberland County in 1749. Daniel also owned land in Pittsylvania County which was divised to his sons Stephen and Spilsbe.

350. Daniel Coleman

Daniel was alive in July 1771 at the time his grandmother
Patience Elliot Coleman made her will. This could be the Daniel
Coleman whose estate was appraised in 1800 by Joseph Coleman.
(Order Bk. 20, 1797-1801, Cumberland County)

112. Grizzell Coleman

Of the Òseveral children of Grizzell mentioned in the will of
her mother, Patience Coleman, only two have been identified.

Nathan Glenn

Nathan was a vestryman of Littleton Parish in Cumberland County
in 1772. He was a Lieutenant in the Cumberland County Militia
in the Revolution. He moved to Union County, South Carolina
about 1784/5. (Union County South Carolina Heritage, 1981,
Mannie Lee Mabry, Editor)

357. Bernard Glenn

Bernard never married. He was a Justice of the Peace, Deputy
Surveyor, and member of the South Carolina House of
Representatives 1806-16.



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